Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 866

Images: DigiVatLib

Physical description: parchment, dimensions not known, 413 fols., 2 col.

Language: Greek

Date: 11th/12th cent.

Provenance: unknown


Acts of Paul and Thecla (fols. 27r–30r)

Virtuous Deeds of Thecla (fols. 30v–32r)

Acts of John (fols. 32r–33v)

Martyrdom of Ananias (fols. 37r–38r)

Acts of Thomas (fols. 38r–40r)

Miracle of Michael the Archangel at Chonae (fols. 69r–71r)

Acts of Philip (fols. 86v–89r)

Acts of Andrew and Matthias (fols. 140v–143v)

Epistle of the Presbyters and Deacons of Achaea (fols. 144r–147v)

Martyrdom of Mark (fols. 276r–277v)

Acts of Nereus and Achilleus (fols. 302r–309v)

Acts of Timothy (fols. 394r–395r)

Additional contents: Menologion with various lives of saints; Martyrdom of James, the Brother of the Lord (excerpt from Eusebius, Hist. eccl. 2.23).


Bovon, François, Bertrand Bouvier, and Frédéric Amsler, eds. Acta Philippi: Textus. CCSA 11. Turnhout: Brepols, 1999 (pp. xiii–xxiv).

Franchi de’ Cavalieri, Pio. Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum graecorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae. Subsidia Hagiographica 7. Bruxelles: Société des Bollandistes, 1899 (pp. 83–93).

Ehrhard, Albert. Uberlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen und homiletischen Literatur der griechischen Kirche von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 16. Jahhunderts. 3 vols. TU 50–52. Leipzing: Hinrichs, 1937–1952 (vol. 1, pp. 338–46).

Devreesse, Robert, ed. Codices Vaticani graeci, vol. 3: Codices 604–866. Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae codices manuscripti recensiti. Vatican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1950 (pp. 434–40).

Other online databases: Pinakes

Entry created by Tony Burke, York University ([email protected]), 13 June 2017.