Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Sbath 125 + Edgbaston, University of Birmingham, Mingana Syr. 88

Images: DigiVatLib

Other shelfmark(s): none

Physical description: 1 (Sbath 125): paper, 270 × 180, 265 fols., 1 col. and 2 cols. (fols. 99–265); 2 (Mingana Syr. 88): 35 fols., 2 cols.

Language(s): Garšūnī

Date: 1444 (Vatican catalog); 1440 (Sbath)

Provenance: Ṭur ʿAbdin


Martyrdom of Pilate (fols. 1r–7r)

Acts of Thomas and His Wonderworking Skin (fols. 7r–13v)

Apocalypse of Paul (fols. 26v–37r)

Acts of Andrew and Bartholomew (fols. 52v–58v)

Book of the Rolls (fols. 82r–93v)

Protevangelium of James (fols. 138r–159v)

Life of John the Baptist, by Serapion (fols. 160r–172r)

Additional Contents: History of the Rechabites (CAVT 166), lives of prophets, and works by Ephrem, Jacob of Serug, Gregory of Nazianzus, John Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria, and others.


Mingana, Alphonse. Catalogue of the Mingana Collection of Manuscripts Now in the Possession of the Trustees of the Woodbrooke Settlement, Selly Oak, Birmingham. 3 vols. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd., 1933 (vol. 1, cols. 220–22).

Sbath, Paul. Bibliothèque de Manuscrits Paul Sbath Prêtre Syrien d’Alep. 3 vols. Cairo: Friedrich & Co. 1928.

Sbath, Paul. “Manuscrits orientaux de la bibliothèque du R. P. Paul Sbath (Suite).” Revue des études byzantines 133 (1924): 63–85 (pp. 63–68).

Sauget, Joseph-Marie. “Reconstitution d’un manuscrit double originaire de Tur Abdin et actuellement dépecé: Sbath 125 et Mingana syriaque 88.” Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Memorie Series 8, 19.3 (1976): 355–439.

Other online databases: Vatican Catalog

Entry created by Tony Burke, York University ([email protected]), 9 September 2021.