Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 11867

Images: Gallica

Other shelfmark(s): Gijsel Q4b5

Physical description: 330 × 240 mm, 244 fols., 2 cols.

Language: Latin

Date: 13th cent.

Provenance: Marmoutier


Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (fols. 166r–169r) prefaced by the Trinubium Annae, with pars altera and other added episodes (fols. 169r–170r)

Life of Pilate (fols. 177v–179r)

Life of Judas (fols. 179r–179v)

Additional contents: Transmundus, Dictamina (fols. 1r–39v); Cicero, De amicitia and De senectute (39v–44r); Thomas of Capua, Summa dictaminis (fols. 46r–150r); Epistolae Campanae (fols. 108v–110r, 114v–120r, 120v–130r, 136r–149v); Peter of Blois, Letters (fols. 150r–166r); various verses by Alexander Neckam, Guillaume d’Orleans, and others (fols. 98v, 114r, 130v, 165r, 179r); poems about the Holy Cross and the Virgin Mary attributed to Saint Bernard (fols. 179v–184r); extracts from Peter Alfonsi, Disciplina clericalis (fols. 184r–189v); Ars manualis de uita et morte and Ars et doctrina physionomiae (fols. 241r–243v); Pope Silvester, Priuilegium Constantini (fol. 244r).


Delisle, Léopold. Inventaire des manuscrits de Saint-Germain-des-Prés 2. Paris: Auguste Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1888 (pp. 25–26).

Gijsel, Jan, ed. Libri de nativitate Mariae: Pseudo-Matthaei Evangelium, textus et commentarius, Libellus de nativitate sanctae Mariae, textux et commentarius. CCSA 9. Turnhout: Brepols, 1997 (p. 172).

Other online databases: BnF Archives et manuscrits, Mirabile

Entry created by Brandon Hawk, Rhode Island College ([email protected]), 15 March 2018.