Acts of Barnabas

Acta Barnabae apostoli

Standard abbreviation: Acts Barn.

Other titles: Travels and Martyrdom of Saint Barnabas the Apostle

Clavis numbers: ECCA 422; CANT 285

Category: Apocryphal Acts

Related literature: Martyrdom of Mark, Acts of Mark, Acts of Bartholomew and Barnabas, Encomium on Barnabas by Alexander Monachus, Golden Legend 81 and 140

Compiled by Tony Burke, York University

Citing this resource (using Chicago Manual of Style): Burke, Tony. “Acts of Barnabas.” e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha. Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.

Created August 2017. Current as of January 2024.


Acts Barn. is a collection of stories about Barnabas and John Mark, two figures who join the Jerusalem church after the death of Jesus. Allegedly written by this same John Mark, the text begins with an autobiographical account of his baptism into Christianity in Iconium and his re-christening as “Mark” in a subsequent vision. He then accompanies Paul and Barnabas on a journey to Antioch via Seleucia, Cyprus, and Perga. There Mark faces approbation from Paul for delaying in Pamphylia. Paul refuses to have Mark travel with him to Jerusalem, so Barnabas and Mark depart from Paul and travel through Cilicia to Cyprus. Along the way they stop in Anemurium and convert two Greek sailors, one of whom is named Stephen, to the faith. In Cyprus they meet two former temple-slaves: Timon and Ariston. Barnabas has in his possession a copy of what appears to be the Gospel of Matthew, which he applies to the sick and heals them. They travel through various cities and come across a processional of naked men and women from a temple; Barnabas rebukes the temple and it falls, killing and wounding many people. They also encounter resistance from a group of Judeans who are subject to Bar-Jesus, the man blinded by Paul in Acts 13:6–12. They come to Salamis and establish churches and station officials in them. Barnabas begins to teach Jews there from the Gospel of Matthew. Influenced by Bar-Jesus, they seize Barnabas and set him on fire. John Mark is able to save his remains from being cast into the sea and buries them in a cavern along with the copy of the Gospel of Matthew. They hide from the Judeans and, with Ariston and Rhodon, make their way to Alexandria. There Mark remains preaching and baptizing.

Named historical figures and characters: Aristoclianus, Ariston, Bar-Jesus, Barnabas, Cyrus (priest of Zeus), Euphemus, Heracleides, Holy Spirit, Hypatius (governor of Salamis), Jesus Christ, John Mark, Lucius (Luke the evangelist?), Matthew (apostle), Nero, Paul (apostle), Rhodon, Silas, Stephen, Timon.

Geographical locations: Aconesiae, Alexandria, Amathus, Anemurium, Antioch, Cape Krommyon, Citium, Corasium, Corina, Curium, Cyprus, Iconium, Jerusalem, Lampadistus, Laodicea, Lapithus, Ledrai, Limnes, Old Isauria, Old Paphos (Kouklia), Pamphylia, Perga, Pityusa (Dana Island), Salamis, Seleucia, Tamasus, Troodos Mountains.


2.1 Web Sites and Other Online Resources

“Acts of Barnabas.” Wikipedia.

“Barnabas.” Wikipedia.

“Monastery of Saint Barnabas.” Wikipedia. A mausoleum on the monastery grounds in Famagusta houses the empty tombs of both Barnabas and Anthemios; the current location of their remains is unclear.

“St. Barnabas’ Monastery and Icon Museum.” What’s On North Cyprus. Includes several images from inside the tomb of Barnabas. See also: for images of the frescoes inside the museum illustrating the story of the discovery of the tomb.

“S00786: Barnabas, apostle and companion of Paul the Apostle.” The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity.

2.2 Iconography

The Latin lives-of-saints compilation Genève-Cologny, Bibliothèque Bodmer, MS Bodmer 127 features a decorated initial with a depiction of Barnabas contending with a soldier and some snakes (fol. 98r). See link to manuscript below.

“Icons.” The St Barnabas Society. Posted 20 September 2018. Online: Blog post with images of icons of Barnabas painted by Marcelo Lavallen commissioned by the society. One image depicts the apostle’s martyrdom. Other icons of Barnabas typically depict the apostle holding his copy of Matthew’s gospel.


3.1 Manuscripts and Editions

3.1.1 Greek (BHG 225)

Recension Σ

B Mount Athos, Monē Batopediou, 84, fols. 128–30 (9th/10th cent.) ~ Pinakes; Bonnet did not provide precise identification in his edition, but this is likely the correct manuscript

M  Messina, Biblioteca Regionale Universitaria ‘Giacomo Longo’, gr. 29, fols. 81r–83r (12th cent.) ~ Pinakes; Messina

Q  Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 1219, fols. 31v–37v (11th cent.)

U  Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 821, fols. 99v–103 (13th cent.) ~ Pinakes

V  Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 1667, fols. 105–110 (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes; BAV

Cambridge, University Library, Add. 4489, fols. 11r–11v (8th cent.) ~ Pinakes; Cambridge

Cambridge, University Library, Fonds ancien LI.V.02 (2200), pp. 114–119 (17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Koutlousmousiou, 2 (Lambdos 3071), fols. 202–208 (13th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Megistēs Lauras, Γ 87 (Eustratiades 327), fols. 221–225 (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Philotheou, 8 (Lambros 1771), fols. 62v–65v (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Messina, Biblioteca Regionale Universitaria ‘Giacomo Longo’, gr. 26, fols. 59r–63v (12th/13th cent.) ~ Pinakes; Messina

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 1179A, fol. 2r–2v (11th cent.) ~ subsequent page missing; Pinakes; Gallica

Bolland, Jean et al., eds. Acta Sanctorum, Iunii. Vol. 2. Antwerp: P. Jacobs 1698; 3rd ed. Paris: V. Palmé, 1867 (reprint of Latin text from Mombritius, pp. 417–20; editio princeps of Greek text by Daniel Papebroek based on V with Latin translation by Guilielmi Sirleti, pp. 425–30).

Bonnet, Maximilien. “Acta Barnabae.” Pages xxvii–xxviii and 292–302 in vol. 2.2 of Acta apostolorum apocrypha. Edited by Richard Adelbert Lipsius and Maximilien Bonnet. 2 vols. in 3. Leipzig: H. Mendelssohn, 1903; repr. Hildesheim: Olms, 1972 (edition based on P, B, M, Q, U, V).

Recension P

P Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 1470, fols. 55v–57v, 66r–67r (890)

Piñero, Antonio, and Gonzalo del Cerro. Hechos apócrifos de los Apóstoles. 3 vols. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2011 (Greek edition based on P and Σ with facing Spanish translation, vol. 3, pp. 433–53).

Tischendorf, Constantin. Acta apostolorum apocrypha. Leipzig: Avenarius et Mendelssohn, 1851 (edition based on V and P; introduction pp. xxvi–xxxi, edition pp. 64–74).

3.1.2 Latin (Vita et passio Barnabae; BHL 985); 60 known manuscripts

Dublin, Trinity College, 737 (olim G.04.16), fols. 126v (9th and 12th/13th cent.)

Genève-Cologny, Bibliothèque Bodmer, MS Bodmer 127, fols. 98r–102r (12th cent.) 

Montecassino, Archivio di Montecassino, 145, pp. 500–504 (11th cent.)

Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 13074, fols. 131v–139r; illustrations fol. 139v, 140r (1175)

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 12604, fols. 89r–89v (12th cent.)

Mombritius, Boninus, ed. Sanctuarium seu Vitae sanctorum. Novam editionem curaverunt duo monachi Solesmenses. 2 vols. 1480. New edition, Paris: Albertum Fontemoing, 1910; repr. New York: Hildesheim, 1978 (Latin text combining the Cyprus traditions with traditions about the apostle in Milan, vol. 1, pp. 130–35).

Nausea, Friedrich. Anonymi Pilalethi Eusebiani in vitas, miracula passionesque apostolorum rhapsodiae. Cologne: Peter Quentel, 1531 (Latin text from unidentified source [=recension n], fols. 72v–75v).

Tosti, Luigi, ed. Bibliotheca Casinensis seu codicum manuscriptorum qui in tabulario Casinensi asseruantur . . . , III: Florilegeum. 5 vols. Monte Cassino: Ex Typographia Casinensi, 1873–1894 (critical edition of recension c from Montecassino 145 [described pp. 287–94], vol. 3, pp. 354–57).

3.1.3 Church Slavic

Bucharest, Biblioteca Academiei R. P. R, 164, fols. 281v–286r (15th cent.)

Santos Otero, Aurelio. Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der altslavischen Apokryphen. 2 vols. PTS 20 and 23. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1978–1981 (description of text and sources, vol. 1, pp. 136–37).

Kaluznjackij, Emil. “Sborniki Njameckogo Monstyrja Nnr. 20 i 106 [164].” Sbornik Otdelenija Russkago Jazyka i Slovesnosti Imp. Akademii Nauk 83/2 (1907): 50–57 (critical edition of Bucharest 154).

 3.2 Translations

3.2.1 English

Walker, Alexander. Apocryphal Gospels, Acts and Revelations. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1873. Repr. as vol. 16 of The Ante-Nicene Christian Library. Edited by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. 24 vols. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1867–1883 (translation of Tischendorf’s edition, pp. 293–300).

Snyder, Glenn E. “The Acts of Barnabas: A New Translation and Introduction.” Pages 317–36 in New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures. Vol. 1. Edited by Tony Burke and Brent Landau. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2016 (translation of Bonnet’s edition).

 3.2.2 French

Norelli, Enrico. “Actes de Barnabé.” Pages 617–42 in volume 2 of Écrits apocryphes chrétiens. Edited by Pierre Geoltrain and Jean-Daniel Kaestli. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade 516. Paris: Gallimard, 2005.

3.2.3 Italian

Erbetta, Mario. Gli Apocrifi del Nuovo Testamento. 3 vols. in 4. Turin: Marietti, 1966–1981 (introduction and translation in vol. 2, pp. 595–600).

3.2.4 Spanish

Piñero, Antonio, and Gonzalo del Cerro. Hechos apócrifos de los Apóstoles. 3 vols. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2011 (Greek edition based on P and Σ with facing Spanish translation, vol. 3, pp. 365–429).

3.3 General Works

Braunsberger, Otto. Der Apostel Barnabas. Sein Leben u. der ihm Beigelegte Brief. Mainz: Kupferberg, 1876 (pp. 1–7).

Czachesz, Istaván. Commission Narratives: A Comparative Study of the Canonical and Apocryphal Acts. Leuven: Peeters, 2007 (pp. 184–207).

Delehaye, Hippolyte. “Saints de Chypre.” AnBoll 26 (1907): 161–301.

Dilley, Paul C. “The Invention of Christian Tradition: ‘Apocrypha,’ Imperial Policy, and Anti-Jewish Propaganda.” GRBS 50 (2010): 586–615.

Hackett, John. A History of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus. London: Methuen & Co., 1901 (see pp. 4–5, 23–26).

Halkin, François. “Les Actes apocryphes de saint Héraclide de Chypre, disciple de l’apôtre Barnabé.” AnBoll 82 (1964): 133–70.

Kollmann, Bernd. Joseph Barnabas: His Life and Legacy. Translated by Miranda Henry. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2004 (esp. pp. 56–57).

Lipsius, Richard A. Die apokryphen Apostelgeschichten und Apostellegenden. 2 vols. Braunschweig: Schwetschke, 1883–1887 (Acts Barn. is examined in 2:270–320).

Macé, Caroline, et al. “Critical Digital Editions of Christian Apocryphal Literature in Latin and Greek: Transcription and Collation of the Acts of Barnabas.” Storie e Linguaggi: A Journal of the Humanities/Rivista di studi umanistici 5.1 (2019): 125–45.

Mazocchi, Alessio Simmaco. Neapolitanae Ecclesiae canonici et Regii S. Scripturae interpretis, 2: Commentarii in vetus marmoreum Sanctae Neapolitanae Ecclesiae kalendarium volumen alterums. Naples: Ex officina Novelli de Bonis Typographi Archiepisopalis, 1744 (pp. 535–53).

Read-Heimerdinger, Jenny. “Barnabas in Acts: A Study of His Role in the Text of Codex Bezae.” JSNT 72 (1998): 22–66.

Rouquette, Maïeul. “Apostolic Memory and Pseudepigraphy: A Comparison of the Acts of Barnabas and the Acts of Titus.” Études théologiques et religieuses 91 (2016): 703–12.

Schwartz, Daniel R. “The End of the Line: Paul in the Canonical Book of Acts.” Pages 3–24 in Paul and the Legacies of Paul. Edited by William S. Babcock. Dallas: SMU Press, 1990.

Snyder, Julia A. “Relationships between the Acts of the Apostles and Other Apostle Narratives.” Pages 319–41 in Between Canonical and Apocryphal Texts: Processes of Reception, Rewriting and Interpretation in Early Judaism and Early Christianity. Edited by Jörg Frey, Claire Clivaz, and Tobias Nicklas. WUNT 419. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015.

Starowieyski, M. “Datation des Actes (Voyages) de S. Barnabé (BHG 225; ClAp 285) et du Panégyrique de S. Barnabé par Alexandre le Moine (BHG 226; CPG 7400; ClAp 286).” Pages 193–98 in Philohistor. Miscellanea in honorem Caroli Laga septuagenarii. Edited by A. Schoors and Peter Van Deun. OLA 60. Leuven: Peeters, 1994.

Van Deun, Peter and Jaques Noret, eds. Hagiographica cypria. Sancti Barnabae laudatio auctore Alexandro monacho. CCSG 26. Turnhout: Brepols; Leuven: University Press, 1993.

Young, Philip H. “The Cypriot Aphrodite Cult: Paphos, Rantidi, and Saint Barnabas.” JNES 64.1 (2005): 23–44.