Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 9427

Images: Gallica

Other shelfmark(s): olim Supplément latin 1444; also known as Lectionarius gallicanus (Lectionnaire gallican dit de l’abbaye de Luxeuil)

Physical description: parchment, 265 × 170 mm., iv+248 fols., 1 col.

Language: Latin

Date: ca. 700

Provenance: Abbaye de Luxeuil (?)


Passion of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Pseudo-Marcellus) (fols. 198v–211r)

Additional contents: lectionary readings from the Old Testament and New Testament, sermons attributed to Augustine on the Christmas vigils and on the feast of Stephen, fragment of sermon on the Holy Innocents, Passion of Julian and Basilissa, sermon on the vigils of the Epiphany.

Catalogs and studies:

Gryson, Roger. Altlateinische Handschriften (Manuscrits vieux latins): répertoire descriptif. 2 vols. Freiburg: Verlag Herder, 1999–2004 (pp. 351–53, no. 251).

Salmon, Pierre. Le Lectionnaire de Luxeuil (Paris, ms. lat. 9427. Édition de étude comparative. Collectanea Biblica Latina 7. Rome: Città del Vaticano, 1944.

Other online databases: BnF Archives et manuscrits; Biblissima; Mirabile; Earlier Latin Manuscripts

Entry created by Tony Burke, York University, 16 December 2023.