New York, Morgan Library and Museum, M499 + Chicago, University of Chicago Joseph Regenstein Library, 125

Images: Morgan Library; Regenstein Library

Other shelfmark(s): none

Physical description: roll, vellum, 3337 × 93 mm.; includes 21 miniatures

Language(s): recto in Greek, verso in Arabic

Date: 14th cent.; Arabic dated 1363

Provenance: Istanbul or Trabzon


Epistles of Christ and Abgar

Additional Contents: portions of Mark, Luke, and Matthew; Psalms 86, 91, and 35, verses in praise of various martyrs from the collection of Christopher of Mitylene. Arabic text on reverse is on Cyprian the Magician.


Karaulashvili, Irma. “The Abgar Legend Illustrated: The Interrelationship of the Narrative Cycles and Iconography in the Byzantine, Georgian, and Latin Traditions.” Pages 220–43 in Interactions: Artistic Interchange between the Eastern and Western Worlds in the Medieval Period. Edited by Colum Hourihane. Princeton: Department of Art & Archaeology, 2007 (esp. 236–38, includes images).

Nersessian, Sirarpie der. “La légende d’Abgar d’après un rouleau illustré de la bibliothèque Pierpont Morgan à New York.” Bulletin de l’Institut Archéologique Bulgare 9 (1935): 98–106.

Peers, Glenn, with Barbara Roggema. Orthodox Magic in Trebizond and Beyond: A Fourteenth-Century Greco-Arabic Amulet Roll. Seyssel: La Pomme d’or, 2018.

Peers, Glenn A. “Magic, the Mandylion, and the Letter of Abgar on a Greco-Arabic Amulet Roll in New York and Chicago.” Pages 163–74 in Intorno al Sacro Volto. Genova, Bizansio e il Mediterraneo (secoli XI–XIV). Edited by Anna Rosa Calderoni Masetti, Colette Dufour Bozzo, and Gerhard Wolf. Venice: Marsilio, 2007.

__________. “Art and Identity in an Amulet Roll from Fourteenth-Century Trebizond.” Church History and religious Culture 89.1–3 (2009): 153–78 (includes several images).

Other online databases: Pierpont Morgan Library; Pinakes (MML M499; Chicago 125)

Entry created by Tony Burke, York University ([email protected]), 16 December 2020.