Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, L 58 sup.

Images:  Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Physical description: parchment, 240 × 180 mm, 80 fols., 2 cols.; pages missing at start

Language: Latin

Date: 14th cent.

Provenance: Milan


Evangelica historia, featuring images and tales based on the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew

Death of Pilate (Mors Pilate) (pp. 135–42)

Additional contents: none

Catalogs and studies:

Ballarini, Marco. Codex: I tesori della Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Milan: Rizzoli, 2000 (p. 111).

Della Croce, Angelo. Canonical Histories and Apocryphal Legends Relating to the New Testament, Represented in Drawings with a Latin Text. A Photo-Lith Reproduction from an Ambrosian MS. Executed for James Gibson-Craig, Esq. Milan: J. B. Pogliani, 1873 (facsimile).

Degenhart, Bernhard, Annegrit Schmitt, and Angelo Paredi. Evangelica historia: disegni trecenteschi del MS. L. 58. SUP. della Biblioteca Ambrosiana.. Milan: Electa Ed., 1979 (includes facsimile).

Ragusa, Isa. “Il manoscritto ambrosiano L 58 sup.: l’infanzia di Cristo e le fonti apocrife.” Arte Lombarda 83 (1987): 5–19.

Other online databases: Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Entry created by Tony Burke, York University ([email protected]), 3 March 2022.