Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, E 16 sup.

Images: Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Other shelfmark(s): Martini-Bassi 273

Physical description: vellum, 173 × 114 mm., iv + 69 + i fols., 1 col.

Language(s): Greek

Date: 13th cent.

Provenance: unknown


List of the Apostles and Disciples (Anonymus II) (fols. 50r–51v, fols. 52v–53v)

Names of the Twelve Apostles and of Their Parents (fols. 54r–54v)

Epistles of Christ and Abgar (fols. 60r–61v)

Additional Contents: Epiphanius Constantiensis, Physiologus (illustrated); Lives of the Prophets (CAVT 213.IV); astrological texts; John Chrysostom, In illud, Stabant iuxta crucem.


Martini, Emidio and Domenico Bassi. Catalogus codicum graecorum Bibliothecae Ambrosianae. 3 vols. Milan: U. Hoepli, 1906 (pp. 303–304)

Other online databases: Pinakes; Biblissima

Entry created by Tony Burke, York University ([email protected]), 21 December 2020.