London, British Library, P. Lond. Christ. 1 (P. Egerton 2) + Cologne, Universität zu Köln, Papyrussammlung inv. 00608 (Papyrus Köln VI 255)

Images: British Library; Kölner Papyri

Other shelfmark(s): none

Physical description: papyrus; P. Egerton 2 frag. 1 = 11.5 × 9.4 cm, frag 2 = 12.0 cm × 9.9 cm, frag. 3 = 6.2 × 2.5 cm, frag. 4 = 0.7 × 0.5 cm; P. Köln 255 = 3.0 cm × 6.5 cm; 1 fol.

Language: Greek

Date: 150–250 CE

Provenance: perhaps Oxyrhynchus


Egerton Gospel

Additional contents: none

Editiones princepes:

Bell, H.I. and T.C. Skeat, eds. Fragments of an Unknown Gospel and Other Early Christian Papyri. London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1935.

Gronewald, Michael. “255. Unbekanntes Evangelium oder Evangelienharmonie (Fragment aus dem ‘Evangelium Egerton’).” Pages 136–45 in Kölner Papyri Band 6 (P.Köln VI). Edited by Michael Gronewald et al. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1987.

Other online databases: Trismegistos; British Library

Entry created by Lorne R. Zelyck, St. Joseph’s College – University of Alberta ([email protected]), 11 January 2019.