London, British Library, Arundel 404

Images: not available online

Other identifier(s): Ja3

Physical description: parchment, 203 × 155 mm, 28 fols., 2 cols.

Language(s): Latin

Date: 14th cent.

Provenance: Mainz, Germany (in the former possession of the Carthusians). The top of the first folium has the note: Iste liber est fratrum Carthusiensium prope Mogunciam.


“J Compilation,” which combines a Latin version of Protevangelium of James with the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew and the Book of the Nativity of the Savior (fols. 1r–19r); prefaced by the spurious letters between Chromatius and Heliodorus and Jerome; with pars altera

Gospel of Nicodemus (fols. 19r–28r)

Additional contents: none.

Catalogs and detailed descriptions:

Arundel, Thomas Howard, Charles Burney, and Josiah Forshall. Catalogue of Manuscripts in the British Museum: New Series. 3 vols. London: British Museum, 1834–1840 (vol. 1, part 1, p. 117).

Gijsel, Jan. Libri de Nativitate Mariae: Pseudo-Matthaei Evangelium: Textus et commentarius. CCSA 9. Turnhout: Brepols, 1997 (p. 214).

Izydorczyk, Zbigniew. Manuscripts of the Evangelium Nicodemi: A Census. Subsidia Mediaevalia 21. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1993 (no. 148; p. 81).

James, M. R. Latin Infancy Gospels. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1927 (p. xi).

Kaestli, Jean Daniel, and Martin McNamara. “Latin Infancy Gospels: The J Compilation.” Pages 623–70 of vol. 2 of Apocrypha Hiberniae I: Evangelia Infantiae. Edited by Martin McNamara et al. 2 vols. CCSA 13–14. Turnhout: Brepols, 2001 (pp. 641–642).

Krämer, Sigrid. Handschriftenerbe des deutschen Mittelalters. 3 vols. Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz: Ergänzungsband I. Munich: Beck, 1989–1990 (vol. 2, p. 533).

Other online databases: British Library

Entry created by Bradley Rice, McGill University ([email protected]), 9 May 2022.