Athens, Ethnikē Bibliothēkē tēs Hellados, gr. 74

Images: EBE Digital Collections; CSNTM

Other shelf-mark(s): Gregory-Aland miniscule 788

Physical description: paper, 22 × 17 cm, 219 fols., 2 cols.

Language: Greek

Date: 11th cent.

Provenance: Calabria, written for a man named Leo


Names of the Twelve Apostles and of Their Parents (BHG 157; fols. 218v–219v)

Additional contents: the four New Testament gospels.


Marava-Chatzinicolaou, Anna  and Christina Toufexi-Paschou. Catalogue of the Illuminated Byzantine Manuscripts of the National Library of Greece. Vol. 1: Manuscripts of New Testament Texts 10th–12th century. Athens, 1978 (pp. 52–62, pl. 72–88).

Sakkelion, Alkibiadēs and Iōannēs. Katalogos tôn cheirographōn tēs Ethnikēs bibliothēkēs tēs Hellados. Athens, 1892 (p. 15).

Other online databases: Pinakes; Wikipedia

Entry created by Tony Burke, York University ([email protected]), 3 February 2019.