Alençon, Bibliothèque municipale, 17

Images: BVMM

Other shelfmark(s): Gijsel Jb2

Physical description: parchment, 240 × 175 mm, 194 fols., 2 cols.

Language: Latin

Date: 13th cent.

Provenance: Notre-Dame de la Trappe, abbey of the Diocese of Séez, near Alençon.


“J Compilation,” which combines a Latin version of Protevangelium of James with the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew and the Book of the Nativity of the Savior (fols. 99r–121r); introduced with the Ego Iacobus prologue; contains chapters 1–101, 103–108 of the compilation; prefaced with the title: Liber de natiuitate sancte Marie genetricis Dei et de infantia saluatoris Domini nostri Iesu Christi secundum carnem; the explicit has the title Libellus de natiuitate beate Marie et de infantia saluatoris.

Gospel of Nicodemus (fols. 163r–175v)

Epistle of Pilate to Claudius (fol. 175v)

Vengeance of the Savior (fols. 176r–180r)

Additional contents: Gesta Barlaam et Iosaphat, homily on the Ave Maria by Baldwin of Canterbury, sermon on the assumption (Cogitis me) by Pseudo-Jerome, miscellaneous miracles of the Virgin, Visio Elisabeth, sermons by Ambrose and Baldwin of Canterbury.


Garand, Monique-Cécile, Geneviève Grand, and Denis Muzerelle. Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste, vol. 7: Ouest de la France et pays de Loire. Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1984 (p. 413).

Gijsel, Jan. “Les ‘Évangiles latins de l’Enfance’ de M. R. James.” AnBoll 94 (1976): 289–302 (p. 291).

Gijsel, Jan, ed. Libri de nativitate Mariae: Pseudo-Matthaei Evangelium, textus et commentarius, Libellus de nativitate sanctae Mariae, textux et commentarius. CCSA 9. Turnhout: Brepols, 1997 (p. 217).

Izydorczyk, Zbigniew. Manuscripts of the Evangelium Nicodemi: A Census. Subsidia Mediaevalia 21. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1993 (no. 4; p. 13).

Omont, Henri. Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France, vol. 2: Rouen (suite et fin), Dieppe, Eu, Fécamp, Elbeuf, Gournay en Bray, Le Havre, Neufchâtel en Bray, Bernay, Conches, Gisors, Louviers, Verneuil, Évreux, Alençon, Montivilliers. Paris: Plon, 1888 (pp. 493–94).

Other online databases: Biblissima; Mirabile

Entry created by Bradley N. Rice, McGill University, 30 November 2023.