Story of the Talking Skull

[latin title]

Standard abbreviation:

Other titles: Story of Arsanis, Story of the Skull, Story of the Skull that Conversed with Jesus, Tale of the Skull

Clavis numbers: ECCA 234


Related literature: Story of King Skull (Jewish-Persian text)

Status: unassigned

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2.1 Online Resources

HMML authority file


3.1 Manuscripts and Editions

3.1.1 Arabic Arabic Script (Islamic Version)

Ṣanʻāʼ (Yemen), Maktabat Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘īl al-Manṣūr, 12, fols. 45r–46r (1833) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 41, fols. 1–3 (18–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 2556, fols. 1–10 (1990–1999) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 4023, fols. 1–10 (20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 4085, fols. 1–10 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 4145, fols. 1–12 (18th–20th cent.) ~  HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 4375, fols. 1–12 (18th–20th cent.) ~  HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 4739, fols. 1–5 (18th–20th cent.) ~  HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 4386, fols. 1–8 (1990–1999) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 4423, fols. 1–16 (1960–1999) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 4909, pp. 1–6 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 5082, fols. 1–10 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 5119, fols. 1–4 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 6192, fols. 1–14 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Aboubacar Ben Said Library, 7100, pp. 1–32 (18–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Bibliothèque de Manuscrits al-Imam Essayouti, 3776 fols. 1–10 (19th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Bibliothèque de Manuscrits al-Imam Essayouti, 3779 fols. 1–6 (19th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 14657, fols. 1–6 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 15170, fols. 1–8 (18th–20th cent.) ~  HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 15171, fols. 1–9 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 15223, fols. 1–6 (18th–20th cent.) ~  HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 15225, fols. 1–6 (18th–20th cent.) ~  HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 15387, fols. 1–14 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 15389, fols. 1–10 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 15611, fols. 1–5 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 16079, fols. 1–9 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 16267, pp. 1–8 (18th–20th cent.) ~  HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 16553, fols. 1–11 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 16719, fols. 1–6 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 16974, fols. 1–12 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 17653, fols. 1–8 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 21123, fols. 1–8 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Tombouctou, Mama Haidara Library, 23334, pp. 1–37 (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Ørum, Olav G. ᵓUṣṣit il-Gumguma or “The Story of the Skull” With Parallel Versions, Translation and Linguistic Analysis of Three 19th-century Judeo-Arabic Manuscripts from Egypt. Supplemented with Arabic Transliteration. Leiden: Brill, 2017 (pp. 22–73, 130–81). Garšūnī Script

Mardin, Church of the Forty Martyrs, 126, fols. 32r–43v (17th cent.) ~ HMML

Mardin, Church of the Forty Martyrs, 304, pp. 189–240 (16th cent.) ~ HMML

Mardin, Mar Hirmiz Keldani Kilisesi, 18, fols. 178r–185r (1609/1610) ~ HMML

Mosul, Mar Behnam Monastery, 388 (Sony 405; olim 318) (1661) ~ HMML

Mosul, Dominican Friars of Mosul, 614, fols. 57r–61r (1885) ~ HMML

Mosul, Mar Behnam Monastery, 461 (Sony 483; olim 325) (18th–20th cent.) ~ HMML

Graf, Georg. Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur. 5 vols. Studi e testi 118, 133, 146–147, 172. Rome: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1944–1953 (additional manuscripts listed, vol. 1, pp. 552).

3.1.2 Syriac

Baghdad, Chaldean Catholic Church, Patriarchate of Baghdad, CPB 291 (1722), pp. 516–530 (1704) ~ HMML (Apoc Paul; story of the resurrection?)

Karamlis, Mar Addai Church, 83, fols. 22v–24v (1932) ~ HMML

Tehran, Chaldean Church of Saint Joseph, 8, fols. 132r–136r (1741/1742)

Urmia, Oroomia Mission Library (no other identifiers)

Hall, Isaac H. “The Story of Arsanis.” Hebraica 6.2 (1890): 81–88 (edition of the unidentified Urmia manuscript, pp. 82–86, with English translation, pp. 86–88).

3.2 Modern Translations

3.2.1 English

Hall, Isaac H. “The Story of Arsanis.” Hebraica 6.2 (1890): 81–88 (edition of the unidentified Urmia manuscript, pp. 82–86, with English translation, pp. 86–88).

3.3 General Works

Brakel-Papenhuyzen, Clara. “The Tale of the Skull – An Islamic Description of Hell in Javanese.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania 158.1 (2002): 1–19.

Grypeou, Emmanouela. “Talking Skulls: On Some Personal Accounts of Hell and Their Place in Apocalyptic Literature.” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 20.1 (2016): 109–26 (pp. 112

Pennacchietti, Fabrizio. “Il racconto di Giomgiomé di Faridoddìn Attàr e le sue fonti cristiane.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 62 (1996): 89−112.

———. “La Storia del teschio e del re e il racconto biblico di Susanna.” Vedute sull’Egitto antico: Annuario 6 (1995−1996): 56−62.

———. “La leggenda islamica del teschio redivivo in una versione neoaramaica.” Pages 103–32 in Semitic and Cushitic Studies. Edited by Gideon Goldenberg and S. Raz. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994.

———. “La leggenda islamica del cranio redivivo.” Vedute sull’Egitto antico: Annuario 4 (1989/90−1993/94): 150−55.
Tottoli, Roberto. “The Story of Jesus and the Skull in Arabic Literature: the Emergence and Growth of a Religious Tradition.”
Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 28 (2003): 225−59.