Encomium on Andrew by Nicetas of Paphlagonia

Laudatio Andreae auctore Niceta Paphlagone

Standard abbreviation: Encom. Andr.

Other titles: none

Clavis numbers: ECCA 918; CANT 228

Category: Apocryphal Acts

Related literature: Acts of Andrew, Life of Andrew by Epiphanius the Monk, Hypomnema on Andrew by Symeon Metaphrastes

Status: unassigned

Citing this resource (using Chicago Manual of Style):


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3.1 Manuscripts and Editions

3.1.1 Greek Encomium only (BHG 106)

Athens, Ethnikē Bibliothēkē tēs Hellados, gr.217, fols. 247v–251v, 329, 252r–255v (16th/17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Istanbul, Patriarchikē Bibliothēkē, Theologikē scholē 33, fols. 443v–454v (16th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Meteora, Monē Barlaam, 136, fols. 191v–201r (16th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Moscow, Gosudarstvennyj Istoričeskij Musej, Sinod. gr. 176, fols. 340v–350r (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Batopediou, 798, fols. 33–0 (17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Dionusiou, 168 (Lambros 3702) (17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Gregoriou, 10 (Lambros 557) (16th/17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Iberon, 426 (Lambros 4546) (17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Koutloumousiou, 624 (Polites 684), pp. 992–1018 (16th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Megistes Lauras, Δ 78 (Eustratiades 454), fols. 359–367 (13th/14th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Megistes Lauras, Ε 160 (Eustratiades 622), fols. 410–418 (1705) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Xēropotamou, 149 (Lambros 2482), fols. 549–? (17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Xēropotamou, 182(Lambros 2515), pp. 365–? (17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 755, fols. 206v–219r (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 1180, fols. 89v–96v (10th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Coisl. 146, fols. 292v–312v (14th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Coisl. 306, fols. 317v–328r (1549) ~ Pinakes

Combefis, François. Bibliothecae graecorum patrum auctarium novissimum. 2 vols. Paris: Aegidii Hotot, 1672 (Greek text from Paris gr. 1180 with Latin translation, vol. 1, pp. 335–46).

Latyšev, Vasilij V. “Ad Nicetae David Paphlagonis laudationes ss. apostolorum.” Bulletin de l’Académie impériale des sciences de St. Pétersbourg Ser. 6 vol. 10 (1916): 1505–1522 (variant readings from Moscow, Sinod. gr. 176, pp. 1509–11).

Migne, Jacques-Paul. Patrologiae cursus completus: Series graeca. Vol. 115. Paris: Cerf, 1862 (reproduction of text and Latin translation by Combefis, cols. 53–80). Prefatory materials (BHG 100)

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Coislin 105, fols. 52v–77r (10th/11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

D  Reading, Douai Abbey, no shelf number, fols. 330v–357r (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

I  Mount Athos, Monē Ibērōn, 426 (Lambros 4546), fols. 152r–194v (17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

K  Mount Athos, Monē Koutloumousiou, 25 (Lambros 3094), fols. 136–165 ~ Pinakes

L  Mount Athos, Monē Megistes Lauras, B 112 (Eustratiades 232), fols. 240–252 (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

M  Moscow, Gosudarstvennyj Istoričeskij Musej, Sinod. gr. 176, fols. 315v–340v (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

N Naples, Biblioteca nazaionale Vittorio Emanuele III, II.C.26, fols. 175v–197v (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

P  Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1463, fols. 156r–182v (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

R  Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 755, fols. 168v–205v (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

V  Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 1652, fols. 1–2 (12th cent.) ~ Pinakes

W  Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 2647, fols. 11r–11v (10th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Athens, Ethnikē Bibliothēkē tēs Hellados, 260, fols. 186v–197v (16th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Istanbul, Patriarchikē Bibliothēkē, Theologikē scholē 33, item 41 (16th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Istanbul, Patriarchikē Bibliothēkē, Panaghia 1, fols. 148v–155v (14th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Moscow, Rossijskaja Gosudarstvennaja Biblioteka, Ф. 270, 66 (gr. 128), fols. 282v–291r (12th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Batopediou, 798, fols. 33–50 (17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Karakallou, 275 (Lambros 6614), Mon. 246, item 8 (18th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Koutloumousiou, 624 (Polites 684), pp. 992–1018 (16th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Megistēs Lavras, Β 112 (Eustratiades 232), fols. 240–252 (11th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Megistēs Lauras, Ε 160 (Eustratiades 622), fols. 410–418 (1705) ~ Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Simōnopetras, 44 (Lambros 1312), pp. 1065–? (17th cent.) ~ manuscript destroyed; Pinakes

Mount Athos, Monē Xēropotamou, 182 (Lambros 2515), pp. 365–395 (17th cent.) ~ Pinakes

St. Petersburg, Russian National Library/Rossijskaja Nacional’naja biblioteka (RNB), Ф. № 906 (Gr.), 591 (16th cent.) ~ Pinakes

Bonnet, Maximilien. “Acta Andreae apostoli cum laudatione contexta.” AnBoll 13 (1894): 309–52 (editio princeps based on PNC).

____________. Supplementum codicis apocryphi. Vol. 2. Paris: Caroli Klincksieck, 1895 (reprint of 1894 article as pp. 1–44).

Vinogradov, Andrey. Греческие предания о св. апостоле Андрее. [Greek Legends about St. Apostle Andrew]. Библиотека “Христианского Востока” 3. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press, 2005 (overview, pp. 46–50; manuscript descriptions, 80–87; edition based on CDIKLMNPRVW, pp. 186–228).

3.2 Modern Translations

3.2.1 French

Summary in Flamion, pp. 79–85 (see below).

3.3 General Works

Flamion, Joseph. Les Actes apocryphes de l’apôtre André: Les Actes d’André et de Matthias, de Pierre et d’André et les textes apparentés. Leuven: Bureau du recueil, 1911 (pp. 79–85, 205–12).

James, M. R. Apocrypha Anecdota II. Texts and Studies 5.1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1897 (pp. xxix–xxxi).

Lanzillota, Fernando Lautaro Roig. “Cannibals, Myrmidonians, Sinopeans or Jews? The Five Versions of the Acts of Andrew and Matthias and Their Sources.” Pages 221–43 in Wonders Never Cease: The Purpose of Narrating Miracle Stories in the New Testament and its Religious Environment. Edited by Ed. M. Labahn and B. J. Lietaert Peerbolte. Library of New Testament Studies 288. London: T. & T. Clark, 2006.

____________. “The Apocryphal Acts of Andrew: A New Approach to the Character, Thought, and Meaning of the Primitive Text.” PhD. diss, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2004 (see esp. pp. 6, 82–83, 100–103).

Lipsius, Richard A. Die apokryphen Apostelgeschichten und Apostellegenden. 2 vols. in 3. Braunschweig, 1883–1890 (see vol. 1:569–84).

Prieur, Jean-Marc. Acta Andreae. 2 vols. CCSA 5–6. Turnhout: Brepols, 1989 (vol. 1, pp. 15–17).

____________. “Les Actes apocryphes de l’apôtre André: Présentation des diverses traditions apocryphes et état de la question.”ANRW II 25,6 (1988): 4384–4414 (at 4402–403).