Ascension of Isaiah

Ascensio Isaiae

Standard abbreviation: Asc. Isa.

Other titles: Martyrdom of Isaiah, Testament of Hezekiah, Vision of Isaiah, Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah

Clavis numbers: ECCA 983; CANT 315; CANT 316; CAVT 218

VIAF: 177440631

Related literature: Apocalypse of Abraham, Apocalypse of Paul, Apocalypse of Paul (Coptic), Apocalypse of Peter, Apocalypse of Zephaniah, 1 Apocryphal Apocalypse of John, Aramaic Levi, 2 (Syriac Apocalypse of) Baruch, 3 Baruch, Book of the Watchers (1 Enoch 136),  2 (Slavonic) Enoch, 4 Ezra, Book of Parables (1 Enoch 3771), Testament of Abraham, Testament of Levi

Category: Apocryphal Apocalypses

Compiled by Emily J. Gathergood, Research Fellow, University of Nottingham.

Citing this resource (using Chicago Manual of Style): Gathergood, Emily J. “Ascension of Isaiah.” e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha. Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.

Created July 2023.


The Ascension of Isaiah is an early Christian apocalypse of heavenly ascent, set during the ministry of the Judahite prophet Isaiah son of Amoz (cf. 2 Kgs 18–20; 2 Chr 26, 32; Isa 1–66). The work is typically dated to the second century CE, with extant versions in Greek, Latin, Coptic, classical Ethiopic (Ge’ez), and Church Slavic indicating its wide reach through late antiquity and into the medieval period. Manuscripts vary in overall scope and textual detail. The longest form comprises two major units of material: chapters 1–5 narrate the culmination of Isaiah’s prophetic ministry in his martyrdom, while chapters 6–11 detail the prophet’s mystical journey of revelatory ascension through the seven heavens. This includes a cosmological framing of the gospel story, in which salvation from the forces of evil is accomplished by the heavenly Christ’s vanquishing descent to earth and Sheol. The christology is polymorphic, with angelic and human guises serving to hide the preexistent Christ’s divine identity until the completion of his conquest.

The Martyrdom

1:1–13 ~ At the court of Hezekiah, Isaiah prophesies his own calling to martyrdom under the apostate king Manasseh.
2:1–16 ~ Manasseh forsakes the worship of God for angels of lawlessness, and persecutes the righteous.
3:1–31 ~ False prophets gain adherents across Jerusalem and incite Isaiah’s arrest.
4:1–12 ~ Isaiah prophesies the end-time rule of a lawless king (Nero?) who orchestrates the execution of one of the Twelve Apostles (Peter?).
4:13–22 ~ Isaiah prophesies the pre-existent Christ’s descent from heaven to earth and Sheol, to defeat the lawless and liberate the righteous.
5:1–16 ~ Isaiah’s prophecies instigate his condemnation and death by the saw.

The Vision

6:1–17 ~  As the king, courtiers and prophets gather to receive Isaiah’s counsel, the Holy Spirit speaks. A door to heaven is opened, and Isaiah is ‘taken up’ in a vision, guided by an interpreting angel.
7:1–37 ~ Isaiah ascends to the firmament, the realm of lawless angels, and sees their warring. He continues to ascend through the first five heavens, each of which possesses a central throne surrounded by worshipping angels. With every ascent, his appearance is transformed into greater glory.
8:1–28 ~ Isaiah ascends to the sixth heaven and is transformed into the likeness of angels, whom he joins in worshipping the Father, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
9:1–42 ~ Isaiah ascends to the seventh heaven, and once again is transformed into the likeness of angels, whom he joins in worship, along with the righteous departed.
10:1–31 ~ Isaiah sees the Father commission Christ to undertake an eschatological round trip to earth and Sheol and back, with his true identity disguised by angelic forms, to destroy the princes, angels and gods of the world.
11:1–35 ~ Isaiah sees the coming to pass of Christ’s birth, wonder-working ministry, crucifixion, descent to Sheol, resurrection, great commission, ascension, and enthronement.
11:36–43 ~ Isaiah recounts his vision to the court, and on account of this, he is sawed in two by Manasseh.

Named historical figures and characters: Abel, Adam (patriarch), Ahaziah, Alagar Zagar, Amada, Amos (prophet), Ananias (prophet), Asaph, Baal, Beliar, Belkira, Daniel (prophet), David (king), Elijah (prophet), Enoch (patriarch), Ethan, Gabriel (angel), Gamaria, Habakkuk (prophet), Haggai (prophet), Hezekiah, Holy Spirit, Hosea (prophet), Isaiah (prophet), Jesus Christ, Joel (prophet), Joakim (administrator), John of Anathoth, Jonah (prophet), Josab, Joseph (the Just), Korah (psalmist), Leba Nasr, Malachi (prophet), Malkira, Manasseh (king), Mary (Virgin), Micah (prophet), Micaiah (prophet), Michael (angel), Moses (patriarch), Nahum (prophet), Obadiah (prophet), Sammael, Samnas, Satan, Seth (patriarch), Solomon (king), Tobias (the Canaanite), Zedekiah (prophet).

Geographical locations: Assyria, Bethlehem, Israel, Jerusalem, Judah, Nazareth, Samaria.


2.1 Web Sites and Other Online Resources

web-site-bulletEarly Christian Writings: Ascension of Isaiah. Administrator: Peter Kirby (Features several English translations and a brief bibliography).

“Ascension of Isaiah.” Wikipedia.

“Ascension of Isaiah.” Encyclopedia Britannica.  

“Martyrium Jesajas.” Claudia Büllesbach. Das Wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet. Posted May 2011.

2.2 Art and Iconography

Bernheimer, Richard. “The Martyrdom of Isaiah.” The Art Bulletin 34 (1952): 19–34.

Isaiah’s martyrdom by the saw (Asc. Isa. 5; cf. Heb. 11:37) is conventional in the prophet’s portraiture from late antiquity onwards. Examples include:

Dome painting. Exodus Chapel, Bagawat Necropolis (4th cent.)

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 510, fol. 347v (9th cent.) ~ illumination

Fresco. Chapter house, Brauweiler Abbey. Germany (12th cent.)

Illuminated manuscript. MS. 1, 2 (84.MA.40.2), fol. 43 (ca. 1360–1370). The J. Paul Getty Museum ~ image

Illuminated manuscript. MS. Ludwig VIII 2 (83.MK.93), fol. 161v (ca. 1240–1250). The J. Paul Getty Museum ~ image

New York, Morgan Library and Museum, M110, fol. 88r (ca. 1260) ~ illumination

New York, Morgan Library and Museum, M385, fol. 26r (15th cent.) ~ illumination


3.1 Manuscripts and Editions

3.1.1 Church Slavic

U  Moscow, State Historical Museum, 1063/1604, fols. 90r–95r (12th/13th cent.)

Sf  St. Petersburg, Saltykov-Ščedrin Library, 1488, fols. 1v–10v (16th cent.)

Ch  Moscow, State Historical Museum, 195, fols. 348–352 (14th cent.)

St Petersburg, Saltykov-Ščedrin Library, M. 33. fols. 336v–341v (16th cent.)

Ja  St Petersburg, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13.3.19 (1448), fols. 191v–200v (16th cent.)

Bc  Bucharest, Library of the Academy of Romania, 171, fols. 298–302v (15th cent.)

Zagreb, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, III.22, fols. 257–260v (14th cent.)

Charles, Robert H. The Ascension of Isaiah: Translated from the Ethiopic Version, Which, Together with the New Greek Fragment, the Latin Versions, and the Latin Translation of the Slavonic, Is Here Published in Full; Edited with Introduction, Notes, and Indices. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1900 (includes Latin translation of the Church Slavic text by G. N. Bonwetsch based on Popov’s manuscripts, pp. 98–139).

Giambelluca Kossova, Alda. “Visio Isaiae Versione paleobulgara: Introduzione, edizione critica e traduzione.” Pages 235–319 in Ascensio Isaiae: Textus. Edited by P. Bettiolo et al. CCSA 7. Turnhout: Brepols, 1995.

Kulik, Alexander. “Slavonic.” Pages 49–72 in A Guide to Early Jewish Texts and Traditions in Christian Transmission. Edited by Alexander Kulik et al. Oxford; Oxford University Press, 2019.

Popov, Andrej N. “Bibliografičeskie Materialy.” ČOIDR 1 (1879): 1.13–22.

__________. “Opisanie rukopisej i katalog knig cerkovnoj pečati biblioteki A. I. Chludova.” Moscow, 1872, 414–19.

Šachmatov, Aleksej A. and Petr A. Lavrov. Sbornik XII veka Moskovskago Sobora. Vol. 1 Moscow, 1899.

Turdeanu, Émile. “La Vision d’Isaïe: Tradition orthodoxe et tradition hérétique.” Pages 145–72 in Apocryphes slaves et roumains de l’Ancien Testament. SVTP 5. Leiden: Brill, 1981.

Vaillant, André. Textes vieux-slaves. 2 vols. Textes publiés par l’Institut d’études slaves 8. Paris: Institut d’études slaves, 1968 (vol. 1, pp. 87–98; vol. 2, pp. 73–82).

__________. “Un apocryphe pseudo-bogomile: La Vision d’Isaie.” RESl 42 (1963): 109–21.

3.1.2 Coptic (CPC 0033: PAThs entry)

Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit, 12.1–2 (4th cent.) ~ Sahidic; PAThs entry; fr. Ir (3:3–6), Iv (3:9–12); IIr(11:24–32), IIv (11:35–40); destroyed in fire, 1940

Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F1949.4.1 + Cairo, Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Grec 379 (= von Scherling 126) (4th cent.) ~ Akhmimic; PAThs entry

Fr. Av (1:1–5), Fr. Bv (3:25–28), Fr. Cv (5:7–8), Fr. Dv (6:7–11), Fr. Ev (7:10–15); Fr. Fv (7:28–32), Fr. Gv (8:16–17), Fr. Hv (9:9–11), Fr. Iv (9:28–30), Fr. Jv (10:9–10), Fr. Kv (10:27), Fr. Lv(11:14–16), Fr. Mv (11:35–37).

Bettiolo, Paolo. “Ascensione di Isaia Versioni Copte: Introduzione, edizione e traduzione.” Pages 147–187 in Ascensio Isaiae: Textus. Edited by P. Bettiolo et al. CCSA 7. Turnhout: Brepols, 1995 (edition of A and B).

Lefort, Louis-Théophile. “Coptica Lovaniensia.” Mus 51 (1938): 24–30, pl. iv (edition of A).

__________. “Fragments d’apocryphes en copte-akhmîmique.” Mus 52 (1939): 1–10, pl. ii (edition of B).

Lacau, Pierre. “Fragments de l’Ascension d’Isaïe en copte.” Muséon 59 (1946): 453–67 (edition of B).

3.1.3 Ethiopic

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Aeth. d. 13, fols. 95r–115r (15th cent.)

B  London, British Library, Or. 501, fols. 62r–69v (15th cent.) ~ BL

C  London, British Library, Or. 503, fols. 57r–62v (18th cent.) ~ BL

Abbâ Garima, EMML 2, fol. 307 (12th–14th cent.)

E  Ḥayq, Esṭifānos Monastery, EMML 1768, fols. 83r–88v (15th cent.) ~ HMML

F  Ankobar, Madḫānē Ālam, EMML 3067, fols. 99r–117v (15th cent.) ~ HMML

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. et. 263 fols. 85v–104v (14th/15th cent.) ~ DVL

H  Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ethiopen d’Abbadie 195, fols. 74r–87r (17th/18th cent.) ~ Gallica

I  Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ethiopen d’Abbadie 156, fols. 46r–52v (18th cent.) ~ Gallica

Munich, Bavarian State Library, Aeth. 63, fols. 107v–115v (18th/19th cent.)

M  Amba Gəsän (Wallo), Church of Gəsän Maryam, EMML 9009 (15th/16th cent.) ~ HMML

N  Mäqäle (Tigray), Abunä Yohannəs Museum, EMDL 668 fols. 1r, 4r–57v (1925–1926) ~ IMAGES

Additional manuscripts:

Asmara (Eritrea), Cloister of Däbrä Bizän (1491–1492). Uncatalogued Bible manuscript, incl. 1 EnochJubilees, and Asc. Isa.

Goğğām Province, Dimā Giyorgis Monastery, UNESCO 10.17

Tigray, Dabra Seyon Abrehām (15th cent.). Uncataloged.

Tigray, Ṣa’adā Embā Monastery, MK-012, fols. 202v, 178r–187v (15th/16th cent.) ~ IMAGES

Goğğām Province, Marṭula Māryām Monastery, G1-IV-144 (EMDA 27) (18th/19th cent.) ~ HMML

Bausi, Alessandro. “Su alcuni manoscritti presso communità monastische dell’Eritrea. Parte Seconda.” Rassegna di stud etiopici 39 (1995): 25–48 (description of Däbrä Bizän MS, pp. 34–39).

Brown, Dexter, and Aaron Michael Butts, “Ascension of Isaiah 6–11 (Ethiopic Version): Introduction and Translation.” Pages 3–15 in The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings, Volume 3. Christ Through the Nestorian Controversy. Edited by Mark DelCogliano. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.

Charles, Robert H. The Ascension of Isaiah: Translated from the Ethiopic Version, Which, Together with the New Greek Fragment, the Latin Versions, and the Latin Translation of the Slavonic, Is Here Published in Full; Edited with Introduction, Notes, and Indices. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1900.

Dillmann, Augusto. Ascensio Isaiae, aethiopice et latine, cum Prolegomenis Adnotationibus criticis et exegeticis, additis Versionum Latinarum Reliquiis edita. Lepizig: Brockhaus, 1877 (edition of A–C).

Erho, Ted M. “New Ethiopic Witnesses to Some Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.” BSOAS 76 (2013): 75–97 (descriptions of MSS EMML 9009 and EMDL 668).

__________. “James Bruce’s Illusory ‘Book of Enoch the Prophet’.” Pages 183–208 in Rediscovering Enoch. The Antediluvian Past from the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Centuries. Edited by Ariel Hessayon, Annette Yoshiko Reed, and Gabriele Boccaccini. Leiden: Brill, 2023 (first mention of EMDA 27, MK-012, and UNESCO 10.17, p. 206 n. 89).

Laurence, Richard. Ascensio Isaiae vatis, opusculum pseudepigraphum . . . cum Versione Latina Anglicanaque publici juris factum. Oxford 1819 (edition of A, Latin translation, pp. 1–80; Engish translation, pp. 99–139).

Lusini, Gianfrancesco. “Ascensione di Isaia: concordanza della versione etiopica.” Aethiopistische Forschungen 62. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003.

Perrone, Lorenzo. “Ascensione di Isaia Profeta Versione Etiopica: Introduzione ed edizione critica.” Pages 1–129 in Ascensio Isaiae: Textus. Edited by Paolo Bettiolo, et al. CCSA 7. Turnhout: Brepols, 1995 (edition of A–L).

Piovanelli, Pierluigi L. “Un nouveau témoin éthiopien de l’Ascension d’Isaïe et de la Vie de Jérémie (Paris, BN Abb. 195).” Henoch 12 (1990): 347–63.

3.1.4 Greek (CANT 315; BHG 957)

New York, Morgan Library and Museum, Amh. Gr. Pap. 1.1–4 (6th/7th cent.) ~ comprises chs. 2:4–4:4

Grenfel, Bernard P., and Arthur. S. Hunt. The Amherst Papyri . . . Part I: The Ascension of Isaiah, and Other Theological Fragments, with Nine Plates. London: Oxford University Press, 1900 (Greek text, pp. 4–14, English translation, pp. 15–17; plates III–IX).

Norelli, Enrico. “Frammento greco –Ascensione di Isaia (Papiro Amherst 1): Introduzione, edizione e traduzione.” Pages 131–145 in Ascensio Isaiae: Textus. Edited by Paolo Bettiolo, et al. CCSA 7. Turnhout: Brepols, 1995. Greek Legend (CANT 316; BHG 598)

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 1534, fols. fols. 245r–251r (11th/2th cent.)

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. gr. 27, fols. 86r–89v (11th cent.)

Gebhardt, Oscar von. “Die Ascensio Isaiae als Heiligenlegende. Aus Cod. Gr. 1534 der Nationalbibliothek zu Paris.” ZWT 21 (1878): 330–53 (editio princeps of the Greek Legend based on the Paris manuscript, pp. 341–53).

Norelli, Enrico. “Leggenda Greca di Isaia: Introduzione, edizione e traduzione.” Pages 329–51 in Ascensio Isaiae: Textus. Edited by Paolo Bettiolo et al. CCSA 7. Brepols: Turnhout, 1995.

3.1.5 Latin

L1  Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Vat. lat. 5750 (palimpsest; chs. 2:14–3:13; 7:1–19); DigiVatLib

L2  Venice. I. de Leuco, 1522 ~ chs. 6–11; lost

Charles, Robert H. The Ascension of Isaiah: Translated from the Ethiopic Version, Which, Together with the New Greek Fragment, the Latin Versions, and the Latin Translation of the Slavonic, Is Here Published in Full; Edited with Introduction, Notes, and Indices. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1900 (edition of L1, pp. 87–92, 102–108; and L2, pp. 98–139).

Dillmann, Augusto. Ascensio Isaiae, aethiopice et latine, cum Prolegomenis Adnotationibus criticis et exegeticis, additis Versionum Latinarum Reliquiis edita. Lepizig: Brockhaus, 1877 (edition of Ethiopic with L2 in an appendix, pp. 77–83, followed by L1, pp. 83–85).

Fantis, Antonius de. Opera Nuper in lucem prodeuntia. Liber Gratiae spiritualis Visionum et Revelationum Beate Methildis Virginis . . . Venice: I. de Leuco, 1522 (editio princeps based on L2).

Gieseler, Johann K. L. Vetus translatio latina Visionis Iesaiae. Göttingen, 1832 (a reprint of L2).

Leonardi, Claudio. “La Tradizione Latina dell’Ascensione d’Isaia.” Pages 189–233 in Ascensio Isaiae: Textus. Edited by Paolo Bettiolo et al. CCSA 7. Brepols: Turnhout, 1995 (edition of L1 and L2).

__________. “Il testo dell’‘Ascensio Isaiae’ nel Vat. lat. 5750.” Cristianesimo nella Storia i (1980): 59–74.

Mai, Angelo. Scriptorum veterum nova collectio e Vaticanis codicibus edita. 10 vols. Rome: Burliaeum, 1825–1838 (edition of L1, vol. 3.2, pp. 238–39).

3.2 Modern Translations

3.2.1 English

Brown, Dexter, and Aaron Michael Butts, “Ascension of Isaiah 6–11 (Ethiopic Version): Introduction and Translation.” Pages 3–15 in The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings, Volume 3. Christ Through the Nestorian Controversy. Edited by Mark DelCogliano. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.

Barton, John M. T. “The Ascension of Isaiah.” Pages 785–812 in The Apocryphal Old Testament I. Edited by H. F. D. Sparks. Oxford: Clarendon, 1984.

Charles, Robert H. The Ascension of Isaiah: Translated from the Ethiopic Version, Which, Together with the New Greek Fragment, the Latin Versions, and the Latin Translation of the Slavonic, Is Here Published in Full; Edited with Introduction, Notes, and Indices. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1900.

Knibb, Michael A. “Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah.” Pages 143–46 in vol. 2 of The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Edited by James H. Charlesworth. 2 vols. ABRL. New York: Doubleday, 1983–1985 (utilizes two Ethiopic manuscripts unknown to previous editors).

Müller, C. Detlef G. “The Ascension of Isaiah.” Pages 603–20 in vol. 2 of New Testament Apocrypha. Edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher. Translated by R. McL. Wilson. 2 vols. rev. ed. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1991–1992. (German ed. pp. 547–62).

3.2.2 French

Basset, René. Les Apocryphes Ethiopiens, traduits en français. Vol. 3: L’Ascension d’Isaïe. Paris: Librairie de l’art indépendan, 1894 (Dillman’s edition translated into French).

Caquot, André. “Martyre d’Isaïe.” Pages 1017–1033 in La Bible: Écrits intertestamentaires. Edited by André Dupont-Sommer and Marc Philonenko. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade 337. Paris: Gallimard, 1987.

Norelli, Enrico. “Ascension d’Isaïe.” Pages 501–45 in vol. 1 of Écrits apocryphes chrétiens. Edited by François Bovon and Pierre Geoltrain. Paris: Gallimard, 1997 (translation based on the CCSA edition of the Ethiopic text).

Norelli, Enrico. Ascension du prophète Isaïe. Apocryphes: Collection de poche de l’AELAC 2. Turnhout: Brepols, 1993 (translation based on the CCSA edition of the Ethiopic text, pp. 103–50; Legend, pp. 151–65).

Tisserant, Eugène. Ascension d’Isaïe. Traduction de la version éthiopienne avec les principales variantes des versions grecque, latines et slave, introduction et notes.  Documents pour l’étude de la Bible. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1909 (Ethiopic, pp. 85–215; Greek Legend, pp. 217–26).

3.2.3 German

Beer, Georg. “Das Martyrium das Propheten Jesaja.” Pages 119–27 in Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments II. Edited by Emil Kautzsch. Tübingen: Mohr, 1900.

Hammershaimb, Erling. “Das Martyrium Jesajas.” JSHRZ 2 (1973): 1–34.

Müller, C. Detlef G. “Die Himmelfahrt des Jesajas.” Pages 547–562 in Neutestamentliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung. 6. Aufl. Bd. 2: Apostolisches, Apokalypsen und Verwandtes. Edited by Edgar Hennecke and Wilhelm Schneemelcher. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1990.

Riessler, Paul. “Die Himmelfahrt des Jesajas.” Pages 481–84 in Altjüdisches Schrifttum außerhalb der Bibel. Augsburg: 1928. Repr. Heidelberg: Kerle, 1966.

3.2.4 Italian

Bettiolo, Paolo, et al. Ascensio Isaiae: Textus. CCSA 7. Turnhout: Brepols, 1995. Ethiopic MSS: Enrico Norelli (45–129), Greek MSS: Enrico Norelli (136–46), Coptic MSS: Paolo Bettiolo (154–87), Latin MSS: Claudio Leonardi (204–209, 214–33), Slavonic MSS: Alda Giambelluca Kossova (286–319), Greek Legend MSS: Enrico Norelli (328–51).

3.3 General Works

Acerbi, A. L’Ascensione di lsaia. Cristologia e profeti-smo in Siria nei primi decenni del Il secolo. Studia patristica Mediolanensia 17. Milan, 1989.

__________. Serra lignea. Studi sulla fortuna della Ascensione di Isaia. Rome, 1984.

de Aldama, José Antonio. Maria en la patristica de los siglos I y II. BAC. 300. Madrid: Editorial Católica, 1970.

Barbel, Joseph. Christos Angelos. Die Anschauung von Christus als Bote und Engel in der gelehrten und volkstümlichen Literatur des christlichen Altertums. Theophaneia 3. Bonn: Hanstein, 1941.

Barton, John M. T. “The Ascension of Isaiah.” Pages 785–812 in The Apocryphal Old Testament. Edited by H. F. D. Sparks. Oxford: Clarendon, 1984.

Bauckham, Richard. “How the Author of the Ascension of Isaiah Created Its Cosmological Version of the Story of Jesus.” Pages 23–44 in The Ascension of Isaiah. SECA 11. Edited by Jan N. Bremmer, Thomas R. Karmann, and Tobias Nicklas. Leuven: Peeters, 2015.

Bauckham, Richard. “The Ascension of Isaiah: Genre, Unity and Date.” Pages 363–90 in The Fate of the Dead. Studies on the Jewish and Christian Apocalypses. Leiden and Boston, 1998.

Bauckham, Richard. “The Worship of Jesus in Apocalyptic Christianity.” NTS 27 (1981): 322341.

Baynes, Leslie. The Heavenly Book Motif in Judeo-Christian Apocalypses 200 B.C.E.200 C.E. JSJSup 152. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2012 (pp. 180–85).

Bianchi, Ugo. “L’Ascensione di Isaia. Tematiche soteriologiche di descensus/ascensus.” Pages 155–83 in Isaia, il Diletto e la Chiesa. Visione ed esegesi profetica cristiano-primitiva nell’Ascensione di Isaia. Atti del convegno di Roma, 9–10 aprile 1981. TRSR 20. Edited by Mauro Pesce. Brescia: Paideia, 1983.

Bori, Pier Cesare. “L’esperienza profetica nell’Ascensione di Isaia.” Pages 133–54 in Isaia, il Diletto e la Chiesa. Visione ed esegesi profetica cristiano-primitiva nell’Ascensione di Isaia. Atti del convegno di Roma, 9–10 aprile 1981. TRSR 20. Edited by Mauro Pesce. Brescia: Paideia, 1983.

__________. “L’estasi del profeta: ‘Ascensio Isaiae’ 6 e l’antico profetismo Cristiano.” Cristianesimo nella storia 1 (1980): 367–89.

Bosse, Alfred. “Zur Erklärung der Apokalypse der Asc. Jesaiae.” ZNW 10 (1909): 320–23.

Bousset, William. “Die Himmelreise der Seele.” Pages 136–69 in Archiv für Religionswissenschaft IV. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1901.

Bremmer, Jan N., Thomas R. Karmann, Tobias Nicklas. The Ascension of Isaiah. Studies on Early Christian Apocrypha 11. Leuven: Peeters, 2015.

__________. “Descents to Hell and Ascents to Heaven in Apocalyptic Literature.” Pages 340–57 in The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature. Edited by John J. Collins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Buck, Fidelis. “Are the ‘Ascension of Isaiah’ and the ‘Odes of Solomon’ witnesses to an early cult of Mary?” Pages 371–399 in De primordiis cultus Mariani IV. Rome: Pontificia Academia Mariana Internationalis, 1970.

Burch, Vacher. “The Literary Unity of the Ascensio Isaiae.” JTS 20 (1919): 17–23.

__________. “Material for the Interpretation of the Ascensio Isaiae.” JTS 21 (1920): 249–65.

Campbell, Warren. “The Ascension of Isaiah Through the Prism of Papyrys Amherst 1.” Ancient Jew Review. Posted 14 November 2021. Online:

__________. “The Residue of Matthean Polemics in the Ascension of Isaiah.” NTS 66 (2020): 454–70.

Caquot, André. “Bref commentaire du ‘Martyre d’Isaïe.’” Semitica 23 (1973): 65–93.

Carey, Greg. “The Ascension of Isaiah: An Example of Early Christian Narrative Polemic.” JSP 17 (1998): 65–78.

__________. “Early Christian Apocalyptic Rhetoric.” Pages 218–34 in The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature. Edited by John J. Collins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Corriente Córdoba, Federico, and Luis Vegas Montaner. “Ascensión de Isaías.” Pages 543–627 in Apócrifos del Antiguo Testamento VI. Edited by A. Díez Macho and A. Piñero. Madrid: Cristiandad, 2009.

Culianu, Ioan P. “La Visione di Isaia e la tematica della Himmelsreise. Pages 95–111 in Isaia, il Diletto e la Chiesa: Visione ed esegesi profetica Cristiano-primitiva nell’Ascensione di Isaia. TRSR 20. Edited by Mauro Pesce. Brescia: Paideia, 1983.

Czachesz, István. “Religious Experience behind the Account of Isaiah’s Ascent to Heaven: Insights from Cognitive Science.” Pages 235–258 in The Ascension of Isaiah. SECA 11. Edited by Jan N. Bremmer, Thomas R. Karmann, and Tobias Nicklas. Leuven: Peeters, 2015.

Dean-Otting, Mary. Heavenly Journeys. A Study of the Motif in Hellenistic Jewish Literature. JU 8. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1984.

Denis, Albert-Marie. Introduction aux pseudépigraphes grecs d’Ancien Testament. SVTP 1. Leiden: Brill, 1970.

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