

Standard abbreviations: Ps.-Clem., Klem. (EpPt, Cont., EpCl, Hom.); Ps.-Clem., Rec.; Ps.-Clem. E (Greek epitome); Ps.-Clem. e (metaphrastic epitome)

Other titles: Recognition/Recognitions; Klementia/Homilies; Periodoi Petrou/Circuits of Peter

Clavis numbers: ECCA 638; CANT 209.1–7

VIAF: 180117031; 209899161; 176290060 (Recognitions); 173835595 (Recognitions); 188340627 (Homilies); 174215623 (Homilies); 440149294089280520463 (Homilies); 465149294081080520240 (fragments)

Category: Apocryphal Acts

Related literature: Acts of Aquila, Acts of Peter, Acts of Peter by Clement, Book of Elchasai, Hypomnema on Peter and Paul, History of Simon Cephas the Chief of the Apostles, Book of the Laws of the Countries (featuring Bardaisan), Martyrdom of Clement, Passion of James, Brother of the Lord, Preaching of Peter

Compiled by: F. Stanley Jones, California State University, Long Beach ([email protected]) and Patricia Duncan, Texas Christian University ([email protected])

Citing this resource (using Chicago Manual of Style): Jones, F. Stanley and Patricia Duncan. “Pseudo-Clementines.” e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha. Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.

Originally posted February 2016. Current as of May 2023.


The Pseudo-Clementines are so named because of the claimed authorship of the text by Clement, a successor to Peter as bishop of Rome and believed to be the authentic author of 1 Clement. There are two main renditions: the Klementia (sometimes referred to as the Homilies) a collection of three preliminary writings (the Epistle of Peter to James, the Contestation, and the Letter of Clement to James) followed by 20 books in Greek, and the Recognition (sometimes referred to as the Recognitions) a ten-book narrative, lost in its original Greek but translated into Latin by Rufinus of Aquileia around 406 CE, with supplementation from Homily 20, and documented also in an ancient Syriac translation of about half of the text. The two go back to a common lost source, Jewish-Christian in origin and written in Syria in the early third century, entitled Periodoi Petrou or Circuits of Peter. Besides a particularly ancient Syriac manuscript, dating to 411 and covering Recognition 1–3 and Homilies 10–14/Recognition 7, important are also the fragments of an Armenian translation and three epitomes, two of the Klementia in Greek and one of the Recognition in Arabic. The framework of the original text details Clement’s interactions with Peter along with some details of his own life. In a prefatory letter of the Klementia, Clement informs James that Peter has died and that Clement has been appointed his successor. Attached to the letter is “Clement’s Epitome of the Public Sermons of Peter,” which forms the bulk of the text. As Clement describes the activities and teachings of Peter, he tells also the tale of his family’s separation and reunion—in a manner similar to that of Greek “recognition” novels. Early in the account, Clement becomes interested in Christianity, and joins Peter on his journeys from town-to-town in pursuit of Simon Magus. In Pseudo-Clement, Peter’s encounters with Simon are less miracle contests than wars of words; but, through these disputes we learn much about the beliefs of the Jewish-Christians who composed the text. One section of the text (Recognitions 1.27–71) has been identified as an early Jewish-Christian telling of sacred history from the creation of the world to Jesus written around the end of the second-century; some scholars have associated it with the Ascents of James, a text composed by the Ebionites according to Epiphanius (see his Panarion 30.16.6–9). We also discover some additional details about Simon’s life, including his conception by a virgin, his time spent in Alexandria learning Greek dialectics, his magical accoutrements and abilities, and his association with John the Baptist. Pseudo-Clement’s depiction of Simon bears some alarming similarities to the apostle Paul and doubtless represents early Jewish-Christian antipathy toward the apostle.

Named historical figures and characters: Abraham (patriarch), Adam (patriarch), Andrew (apostle), Annubion, Anton (father of Simon Magus), Apion, Aquila, Barnabas, Barabbas, Benjamin (son of Sabba, disciple), Caiaphas, Clement (bishop), Cornelius, Dositheus, Eliezer (patriarch), Elisha (disciple), Epicurus (philosopher), Faustinianus, Faustinus, Faustus (father of Clement), Gamaliel, Hanania (son of Saphra, disciple), Isaac (patriarch), Ishmael (patriarch), Jacob (patriarch), James (the Righteous), James (son of Zebedee), James (son of Alphaeus), Jesus (Christ), John (the Baptist), John (son of Zebedee), Joseph (disciple), Joshua (patriarch), Judas (not Iscariot, apostle), Justa, Lazarus, Lebbaeus (apostle), Maroon (bishop), Mattidia, Metradora, Micah (disciple), Moses (patriarch), Nicetas, Nicodemus, Noah (patriarch), Peter (apostle), Philip (apostle), Phineas (disciple), Pyrrho (philosopher), Rachel (mother of Simon Magus), Roubel (brother of Zacchaeus, disciple), Sarah (matriarch), Simon (the Canaanite), Simon (Magus), Sophonias, Theophilus, Zacchaeus (tax collector), Zacharia (the builder, disciple).

Geographical locations: Antarados, Antioch, Arados, Athens, Balanaea, Caesarea Stratonis, Capernaum, Damascus, Egypt, Gabala, Githnin, Jericho, Jerusalem, Judea, Laodicea, Mount Gerizim, Orthosia, Rome, temple (Jerusalem), Tripolis.


“Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions.” Early Christian Writings. (Includes translations and links to other online sources).

“Pseudo-Clementine Homilies.” Early Christian Writings. (Includes translations and links to other online sources).

“Clementine Literature.” Wikipedia.


3.1 Manuscripts and Editions

3.1.1 Armenian (florilegium containing Rec. 1.7.2–3, 21.7–8, 34.3–35.1, and 3.29.2–3)

Galata, Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul, 54, pp. 32–34 (14th cent.)

Calzolari, Valentina. “La tradition arménienne des Pseudo-Clémentines: État de la question.” Apocrypha 4 (1993): 263–93 (Armenian text and French translation, pp. 266–77).

Renoux, Charles. “Fragments arméniens des Recognitiones du Pseudo-Clément.” Oriens Christianus 62 (1978): 103–13 (Armenian text and Latin translation, pp. 106–13).

3.1.2 Arabic (BHO 202–203) Arabic Script

Beirut, Université Saint-Joseph, Bib. or. 626, fols. 58v–61v (19th cent.) ~ unverified (described as “Life of Clement”; IMAGES

London, British Library, Add. 9965, fols. 188r–195v (1659)

Mardin, Church of the Forty Martyrs, 311, fols. 126r–129v (undated) ~ Epistle of Peter to Clement only (IMAGES)

Mosul, Dominican Friars of Mosul, 404, fols. 33r–111r (18th cent.) ~ unevaluated (“theological discourses”) IMAGES

Mount Sinai, Monē tēs Hagias Aikaterinēs, ar. 397, fols. 172r181r (1333) ~ Homily III of Peter in Tripoli

Mount Sinai, Monē tēs Hagias Aikaterinēs, ar. 508, pp. 1–35 (10th cent.)

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, arabe 150, fols. 290r–299v (1606) ~ Epistle of Peter to Clement only

Gibson, Margaret Dunlop. Apocrypha Sinaitica. Studia Sinaitica 5. London: C. J. Clay and Sons, 1896 (Rec. text from Sinai, ar. 508, pp. 15–28 and translation pp. 14–27; from BL Add. 9965, text pp. 31–56, translation pp. 29–43).

online-bulletGraf, Georg. Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur. 5 vols. Rome: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1944 (manuscripts discussed, vol. 1, p. 283–92, 302–304). Garšūnī Script

Aleppo, Syriac-Orthodox Archdiocese, 52 K, fols. 80r–90v (17th cent.) ~ Story of Faustus and his Son Clement

3.1.3 Church Slavic (based on the pre-Metaphrastic epitome)

Moscow, State Historical Museum (F. 80370), Uspenskij 988, fols. 1157ff. (16th cent.) (=Otero 4)

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, slav. 145 (9), fols. 371v–374v (17th cent.) (=Otero 9)

De Santos Otero, Aurelio. Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der altslavischen Apokryphen. 2 vols. PTS 20 and 23. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1978 and 1981 (manuscripts listed vol. 1, pp. 140–46; see nos. 4, 6, 9, 13–14, 16, 18).

Archeografičeskaja Kommissija. Velikija minei četii sobrannyja vserossijskim metropolitom Makariem: Noyábr’, dni 23-25. Moscow: Tipografija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk, 1917 (edition based on Moscow, Uspenskij 988, cols. 3356 ff.).

Franko, Ivan. “Beiträge aus dem Kirchenslavischen zu den Apokryphen des Neuen Testamentes I: Zu den Pseudoclementinen.” ZNW 3 (1902): 146–55 (German translation of ONB slav. 145, pp. 149–54).

Thomson, Francis J. Review of Aurelio de Santos Otero, Die handscriftliche Überlieferung der altslavischen Apokryphen, vol. 1. Slavonic and East European Review 58 [1980]: 256–68 at 262–63 (with corrections to de Santos Otero).

3.1.4 Coptic (and further translations into Arabic and Ethiopic): see Preaching of Peter to Faustus

3.1.5 Georgian (based on the Metaphrastic epitome)

Tarchnišvili, Michael. Geschichte der kirchlichen georgischen Literatur. StT 185. Vatican: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1955 (pp. 134, 343, 481)

3.1.6 Greek (BHG 319–347) Homilies (CANT 209.1–4; BHG 319–341)

Meteōra, Monē Barlaam, 16, fols. 326r–71r (16th cent.) ~ Epistle of Clement to James only; unevaluated

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 930, fols. 4v–283v (10th cent.) ~ ending lost

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, gr. 1379, fols. 138v (10th cent.) ~ portion of Epistle of Clement to James only

Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense, 1357, fol. 10r–10v (16th/17th cent.) ~ Epistle of Peter only

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ott. gr. 443, fols. 2–160 (1562–1564 CE)

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. hist. gr. 7, fol. 13v (ca. 1200) ~ portion of Epistle of Clement to James only

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. hist. gr. 73, fols. 1r–1v (10th cent.) ~ Epistle of Clement to James only Pre-Metaphrastic Epitome (=E) (CANT 209.6; BHG 342–344b, 351b); extant in aprox. 30 manuscripts

Messina, Biblioteca Universitaria, San Salvatoris 30, fols. 144r–148v (1307)

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 808, fols. 342r–409r (11th cent.) Metaphrastic Epitome (=e) (CANT 209.7; BHG 345–347)

Cambridge, Trinity College, O.8.3, fols. 387v–429v (16th cent.)

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barb. gr. 524, fols. 118v–131r (12th cent.) ~ BAV; Pinakes

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ott. gr. 443, fols.  161–234 (1562–1564 CE)

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 1190, fols. 664v–669r (1542)

Cotelier, Jean Baptiste, ed., Ss. Patrum Qui Temporibus Apostolicis Floruerunt; Barnabæ, Clementis, Hermæ, Ignatii, Polycarpi; Opera Edita et Inedita, Vera et Suppositicia. Unà cum Clementis, Ignatii, Polycarpi Actis atque Martyriis. 2 vols. Paris: Typis Petri le Petit, 1672  (Latin text of Rec., vol. 1, pp. 399–514; editio princeps of BNF gr. 930 with facing Latin translation, pp. 514–746; Greek text of the epitome with facing Latin translation, pp. 749–817)

Dressel, Albert Rud., ed. Clementis Romani Quae Feruntur Homiliae Viginti Nunc Primum Integrae. Göttingen: Sumptibus Librariae Dieterichianae, 1853 (editio princeps of Hom. from Vat. Ott. gr. 443; reprinted in PG 2:19–468).

Dressel, Albert Rud., ed. Clementinorum Epitomae Duae. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1859 (editions of both epitomes).

Lagarde, Paul Anton de., ed., Constitutiones apostolorum. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner; London: Williams & Norgate, 1862.

________, ed. Clementina. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1865.

________. “Aus einem Uncialcodex der Clementina.” Pages 217–20 in Symmicta, vol. 2. Göttingen: Dieterichsche Sortimentsbuchhandlung, 1880.

Migne, Jacques Paul. Patrologiae cursus completus: Series graeca. Vol. 2. Paris: Cerf, 1886 (reproduction of the edition by Cotelier, pp. 469–604).

Rehm, Bernhard, ed. Die Pseudoklementinen I: Homilien. Edited by Georg Strecker. 3d ed., rev. GCS 42. Berlin: Akademie, 1992 (current standard edition of the Greek Homilies).

Risch, Franz Xaver. Die Pseudoklementinen IV: Die Klemens-Biographie (Epitome prior, Martyrium Clementis, Miraculum Clementis). GCS, n.s.,16. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008 (edition of the pre-Metaphrastic epitome).

Schwegler, Albert, ed. Clementis Romani Quae Feruntur Homiliae. Stuttgart: Sumtibus A. Becheri, 1847.

3.1.7 Latin (BHL 6644–6645)

Rec. is preserved in a Latin translation by Rufinus extant in over a hundred manuscripts.

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 13707, fols. 1r–70v (1472) (Recognition and Epistle of Peter to James)

Gersdorf, Ernst G., ed. S. Clementis Romani Recognitiones Rufino Aquilei. Presb. Interprete. Bibliotheca Patrum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum Selecta, vol. 1. Leipzig: Bernh. Tauchnitz Jun., 1838 (reprinted in PG 1:1158–1478).

Lefèvre d’Étaples, Jacques. Pro priorum recreatione et in hoc opere contenta: . . . Epistola Clementis. Recognitiones Petri. Basel: Stephanus, 1504 (editio princeps of Rec.).

Rehm, Bernhard, ed. Die Pseudoklementinen II: Rekognitionen in Rufins Übersetzung. Edited by Georg Strecker. 2d ed., rev. GCS. Berlin: Akademie, 1994 (current standard edition of the Latin Recognitions; list of manuscripts pp. CV–CVII).

Sichard, Johannes. Divi Clementis Recognitionum libri X. ad Jacobum fratrem Domini Rufino Torano Aquil. interprete. Basel: Stephanus, 1526 (repr. 1536, 1541, and 1568).

Venradius, Lambertus G. Clementina. Hoc est Clementis Opera cum nova praefatione de veris falsisque Clementis Scriptis. Cologne: Friess, 1570.

3.1.8 Syriac Homilies and Recognitions (BHO 197–201, 204)

Cambridge, University Library, Add. 2023, fols. 60v–61r (13th cent.) ~ excerpt Hom. 12.6.4–8.3 and Rec. 1.25.2, 26.1–2

London, British Library, Add. 12150, fols. 1v–72v (411 CE) ~ Hom. 10–12.24 and 13–14.12 and Rec. 1–4.1.4 and 7

London, British Library, Add. 14609, fols. 123r–187v (587 CE) ~ Rec. 1–4.1.4

London, British Library, Add. 12155, fols. 83r (8th cent.) ~ Rec. 1.30.5

London, British Library, Add. 17194, fols. 16r–16v (885–886 CE) ~ Rec. 1.30.4–5

London, British Library, Add. 14536, fols. 8v–9r (8th cent.) ~ Rec. 3.18.1–6

Frankenberg, Wilhelm. Die syrischen Clementinen mit griechischem Paralleltext: Eine Vorarbeit zu dem literargeschichtlichen Problem der Sammlung. TUGAL 48.3. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1937 (first critical edition of the Syriac text with Greek retro-translation).

Lagarde, Paul Anton de, ed. Clementis Romani Recognitiones Syriace. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus; London: Williams & Norgate, 1861 (diplomatic presentation of London Add. 12150 and Add. 14609). Story of Clement (BHO 204;; epitome of the separation and reunion of Clements family based on Hom.)

Damascus, Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate, 12/17 (olim Dayr al-Zafaran 18), fols. 212v–214v (12th cent.)

London, British Library, Add. 12174, fols. 280r–283r (1197)

Manchester, John Rylands Library, Syr. 45 A, pp. 1–8 ~ copied from an 11th cent. manuscript in Dayr al-Zafaran

Mardin, Church of the Forty Martyrs, 253 (olim Dayr al-Za‘farān 121/7), pp. 9–18 (13th/14th cent.) ~ IMAGES

Mardin, Church of the Forty Martyrs, 256, pp. 19–26 (17th cent.) ~ IMAGES

Mardin, Church of the Forty Martyrs, 257, pp. 462–490 (15th cent.) ~ IMAGES

Mosul, Dominican Friars of Mosul, 641, fols. 85v–94v (20th cent.) ~ IMAGES

Bedjan, Paul. Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum. 7 vols. Paris: Otto Harrassowitz, 1890–1897 (edition based on BL Add. 12174, vol. 6, pp. 1–17).

Mingana, Alphonse, ed. and trans. Some Early Judæo-Christian Documents in the John Rylands Library: Syriac Texts. Manchester: University Press, 1917 (Syriac text based on JRUL Syr. 45 A, pp. 34–52; introduction, pp. 3–10, English translation, pp. 10–20).

________, trans. “A New Document on Clement of Rome, His Relations and His Interview with Simon Peter.” The Expositor, 8th series, 8 (1914): 227–43 (English translation based on JRUL Syr. 45 A).

3.2. Concordances and Synopses

Chawner, William. Index of Noteworthy Words and Phrases Found in the Clementine Writings Commonly Called the Homilies of Clement. London and New York: Macmillan, 1893.

Meyboom, H. U., trans. De Clemens-Roman. Vol. 1: Synoptische Vertaling van den Tekst. Groningen: J. B. Wolters, 1902 (German translations of Rec., Hom. and the Greek epitomes).

Strecker, Georg. Die Pseudoklementinen III: Konkordanz zu den Pseudoklementinen. 2 vols. GCS. Berlin: Akademie, 1986–1989 (concordance of Greek, Latin, and Syriac texts).

Jones, F. Stanley. “PsCl Concordances: Mistakes/Corrections.” ZAC 1 (1997): 126–28.

Electronic searches for words and phrases may be undertaken for all the Greek parts of the Pseudo-Clementines, including for example the Greek fragments of the Recognition, which are not indexed by “Strecker,” using the text and capabilities of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae.

3.3 Modern Translations

3.3.1 English

Elliott, J. K. The Apocryphal New Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993 (Introduction and select translations, pp. 431–38).

Gebhardt, Joseph Glen. The Syriac Clementine Recognitions and Homilies. Nashville: Grave Distractions Publications, 2014.

Irmscher, Johannes. “The Pseudo-Clementines.” Pages 532–70 in vol. 2 of Edgar Hennecke, New Testament Apocrypha, ed. Wilhelm Schneemelcher, Engl. trans. ed. R. McL. Wilson. London: Lutterworth; Philadelphia: Westminster, 1963–1965 (Select translations).

Jones, F. Stanley. The Syriac Pseudo-Clementines: An Early Version of the First Christian Novel. Apocryphes 14. Turnhout: Brepols, 2014.

Smith, Thomas, Peter Peterson, and James Donaldson, trans. “Pseudo-Clementine Literature.” Pages 67–346 in The Ante-Nicene Fathers: Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325, vol. 8: The Twelve Patriarchs, Excerpts and Epistles, the Clementina, Apocrypha, Decretals, Memoirs of Edessa and Syriac Documents, Remains of the First Ages. Reprint ed. Edited by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson; American reprint revised by A. Cleveland Coxe. 10 vols. 1903; Repr. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1978 (based on editions of Gersdorf and Cotelier).

Whiston, William. The Recognitions of Clement: or the Travels of Peter in Ten Books. Vol. 5 in Primitive Christianity Reviv’d. London: The author, 1712 (translation based on the text by Cotelier).

3.3.2 French

Cailleau, Gilles, trans. Les Recognitions de S. Clements. Paris: Iean Poupy, 1574 (translation of Rec.).

Schneider, André, and Luigi Cirillo, trans. Les “Reconnaissances” du pseudo Clément: Roman chrétien des premiers siècles. Apocryphes 10. Turnhout: Brepols, 1999 (French translations of Rec. from edition by Rehm).

Geoltrain, Pierre, et al., trans. “Roman pseudo-clémentin.” Pages 1173–2003 in vol. 2 of Écrits apocryphes chrétiens. Edited by Pierre Geoltrain and Jean-Daniel Kaestli. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade 516. Paris: Gallimard, 2005 (translations based on the editions by Rehm).

Maistre, abbé, trans. Saint Clément de Rome: Son histoire renfermant les Actes de Saint Pierre, ses écrits avec les preuves qui les réhabilitent, son glorieux martyre. 2 vols. Paris: F. Wattelier, 1883–1884 (translation of Rec. and portions of Hom.).

Siouville, Auguste [LeLong, Auguste], trans. Les Homélies clémentines.  Les textes du christianisme 11. Paris: Les Éditions Rieder, 1933.

3.3.3 German

Arnold, Gottfried, trans. Des heiligen Clementis von Rom Recognitiones oder Historie von denen Reisen und Reden des Apostels Petri in zehen Büchern. Berlin: Johann Michael Rüdiger, 1702. Repr. as Historia von der Lehre, Leben und Thaten derer beyden Apostel und Jünger Christi Petri und Pauli. Rostock and Leipzig: Christian Gotthold Garmann, 1708 (translation of Rec. from edition of Lambertus Gruterus Venradius, 1541).

Franko, Ivan. “Beiträge aus dem Kirchenslavischen zu den Apokryphen des Neuen Testamentes I: Zu den Pseudoclementinen.” ZNW 3 (1902): 146–55 (German translation of the pre-Metaphrastic epitome in Church Slavic, pp. 149–54).

Irmscher, Johannes, and Strecker, Georg, “Die Pseudoklementinen.” Pages 439–88 in vol. 2 of Neutestamentliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung. Edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher. 5th ed. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1987–1989 (select translations).

Wehnert, Jürgen, trans. Pseudoklementinische Homilien: Einführung und Übersetzung. Kommentare zur apokryphen Literatur 1.1. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010. Revised in Der Klemensroman. Kleine Bibliothek der antiken jüdischen und christlichen Literatur. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015.

3.3.4 Italian

Cola, Silvano, trans. Pseudo-Clemente: I Ritrovamenti (Recognitiones). Collana di Testi Patristici 104. Rome: Citta Nuova Editrice, 1993 (translation of Rec. from edition of Johannes Sichardius, 1526).

Erbetta, Mario. Gli apocrifi del Nuovo Testamento. 3 vols. Italy: Marietti, 1975–1981 (Select translation vol. 2, pp. 211–36).

Gianotto, Claudio. Ebrei credenti in Gesù: La testimonianze degli autori anticho. Milan: Paoline, 2012 (Select translations in “Appendici: La letteratura pseudoclementina,” pp. 571–648).

3.3.5 Norwegian

Hvalvik, Reidar and Karl Olav Sandnes, “Pseudo-Klemens homilier.” Pages 257–94 in Tidligkristne apokryfer. Edited by Reidar Aasgaard. Verdens Hellige Skrifter. Oslo: De norske bokklubbene, 2011.

3.4 General Works

The list of works below does not reflect much of the most recent scholarship on the text. Additional works will be added in a future update.

Abramowski, Rudolf. “Pseudoclemens: Zu W. Frankenbergs Clemensausgabe.” Review of Die syrischen Clementinen mit griechischem Paralleltext: Eine Vorarbeit zu dem literargeschichtlichen Problem der Sammlung, by Wilhelm Frankenberg. Theologische Blätter 18 (1939): 147–51.

Adler, William. “Apion’s ‘Encomium of Adultery’: A Jewish Satire of Greek Paideia in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies.” HUCA 64 (1993): 15–49.

Amersfoort, Jacobus van. “Traces of an Alexandrian Orphic Theogony in the Pseudo-Clementines.” Pages 13–30 in Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic Religions Prresented to Gilles Quispel on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, edited by R van den Broek and M. J. Vermaseren. EPRO 91. Leiden: Brill, 1981.

__________. “Het Evangelie van Thomas en de Pseudo-Clementinen: Een Studie van de Woorden van Jezus in het Evangelie van Thomas en hun Parallellen in de Evangeliecitaten in de Pseudo-Clementijnse Homiliae en Recognitiones.” Th.D. diss., Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, 1984.

__________. “Pagan Sources in the Pseudo-Clementine Novel. ” Pages 265–74 in Religious Identity and the Problem of Historical Foundation. The Foundational Character of Authoritative Sources in the History of Christianity and Judaism. Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series 8. Edited by J. Frishman, W. Otten, and G. Rouwhorst. Leiden: Brill, 2004.

Amsler, Frédéric. “État de la recherche récente sur le roman pseudo-clémentin.” Pages 25–45 in Nouvelles intrigues pseudo-clémentines. Edited by Frédéric Amsler, et al. Publications de l’Institut romand des sciences bibliques 6. Lausanne: Éditions du Zèbre, 2008.

__________. “La construction de l’homme ennemi ou l’anti-paulinisme dans le corpus pseudo-clémentin.” Pages 729–48 in Receptions of Paul in Early Christianity. Edited by Jens Schröter, Simon Butticaz, and Andreas Dettwiler. Berlin: de Gruyer, 2018.

__________. “Les citations évangéliques dans le roman pseudo-clémentin: Une tradition indépendante du Nouveau Testament?” Pages 141–67 in Le canon du Nouveau Testament: Regards nouveaux sur l’histoire de sa formation. Edited by Gabriella Aragione, Eric Junod, and Enrico Norelli. Le monde de la Bible 54. Geneva: Labor et Fides, 2005.

__________. “Les Reconnaissances du Pseudo-Clément comme catéchèse romanesque.” Pages 442–455 in La Bible en récits. L’exégèse biblique a l’heure du lecteur. Edited by Daniel Marguerat. Geneva: Labor et Fides, 2005.

Amsler, Frédéric, A. Frey, C. Touati, and R. Girardet, eds. Nouvelles intrigues pseudo-clémentines: Plots in the Pseudo-Clementine Romance. Publications de l’Institut romand des sciences bibliques 6. Lausanne: Éditions du Zèbre, 2008.

Bartsch, Shadi. Decoding the Ancient Novel: The Reader and the Role of Description in Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989.

Baumgarten, Albert I. “Literary Evidence for Jewish Christianity in the Galilee.” Pages 39–50 in The Galilee in Late Antiquity. Edited by Lee I. Levine. New York and Jerusalem: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1992.

Baumstark, Anton. Die Petrus- und Paulusacten in der litterarischen Ueberlieferung der syrischen Kirche: Festgruss dem Priestercollegium des deutschen Dampo Santo zu Rom zur Feier seines 25 jährigen Bestehens (8 December 1901) gewidmet. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1902.

Baur, Ferdinand Christian. Die christliche Gnosis oder die christliche Religions-Philosophie in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwiklung. Tübingen: C. F. Osiander, 1835.

__________. “Die Christuspartei in der korinthischen Gemeinde, der Gegensatz des petrinischen und paulinischen Christenthums in der ältesten Kirche, der Apostel Petrus in Rom.” TZTh 4 (1831): 61–206.

__________. De Ebionitarum Origine et Doctrine ab Essenis Repetenda. Tübingen: Typis Hopferi de l’Orme, 1831.

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